Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Good with people

I spent the day (yesterday) at the computer while John went to Marble Falls to meet with the sign guy, the rock guy, the rug lady, the electrician, the plumber, the mason and our GC. When he came home and relayed the conversations to me, I reminded John of a comment that his dad made about him being "good with people".

John chuckled and said "I learned my people skills from watching my dad in action. I remember seeing my dad dressed to the nines in his suit and hat. He was really a sharp dresser. . his tie was always knotted perfectly and his shoes were always shined. I distinctly remember overhearing him speak on the phone - very professional, pleasant, positive. I try to project that same attitude. Lessons well learned from a pro."

1 comment:

divabetsy said...

Good with people huh? I thought you originally were going to tell us that he was in the singing group "Up with People".... I need to get more sleep.