Sunday, March 2, 2008

David Baker calls us!

My niece, Kelly Day, met David Baker in Arizona a few years ago. I remember her telling me about him (I actually thought his first name was 'Davidbaker' as Kelly always referred to him as such). Way back then, David Baker built a website for Kelly. Fast forward a few years - now Kelly and David Baker (sorry, can't help it) have been coordinating a long distance relationship between Arizona and Minnesota. David Baker has made a career of web design. Hmmm.....Patina needs a website eventually. Wonder if we can get a family discount?

So anyway, the phone rings yesterday and it is David Baker calling us. He and Kelly are driving from Minneapolis back to Arizona this week and they plan (at some point) to come to Texas to visit. (YEA - I love to hear those words!) David Baker follows our blog and really liked the upscale ad that Amy Shalles helped us design. In less than 10 minutes, David posts the ad on the Home page of our web address:

Stay tuned - the website design is in motion!

1 comment:

Erin said...

That is SO exciting! Just what I've been hoping to hear from you!