Saturday, April 5, 2008

This little piggy went to Tow.....

I saw my first wild pigs on our drive home last night (usually they are bacon on the side of the road for the vultures). A few weeks ago my brother-in-law, Bruce, sent a picture email titled "Dan and his Hog". I thought "Oh my gosh, now my Dad has a Harley?!". Turns out that Bruce and my Dad went wild boar hunting in Florida and my Dad got one. My dad's boar was considerably larger than the little black piglets we saw last night.

This week flew by. Monica and Caleb went back to Minneapolis on Tuesday. It was wonderful to see them and they promised to come back this summer. We like Caleb very much and Monica is obviously very happy. What else can a parent wish for?

Joe and Donna stopped by on their way back to Wisconsin. It has been so great having them close by (in Goliad) this winter and we are missing their company already.

The Thunderbird Fine Arts & Wine Festival is in Marble Falls this week-end. We had several artists in the store for a glass of wine last night during Shandon's Trunk Show. I am amazed by the number of wineries in this area. We are serving wine from a winery in Tow - Fall Creek. It is "just down the road" a bit from our house and is beautiful. If you didn't know where you were, you would guess that you were in Italy.

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