Thursday, November 15, 2007

Every day is an adventure

Thank you for the positive responses to our blog and also for forwarding it on to others.....remember cc: me on those email addresses!

We continue to meet such great people along the way. Today, Lucia (our postmaster) delivered several packages sent to us from a very talented artist we found through the internet. Crystal's mosaics are so beautiful, it took our breath away. Unwrapping each one felt like the best Christmas morning you can remember (or imagine). We haven't met her in person yet, but she has been delightful and we can only hope she will come visit us in Texas some day with her husband and son.

We did have a slight hiccup with social pleasantries today when we went to the Llano DMV (for the fifth time in 2 months) in order to get a Texas drivers license for John. Do you remember the Seinfeld episode where they try to get soup and the Soup Nazi gives them the 5th degree? Well.....Shorty (as Stange likes to affectionately call him) came up with two new things that we now need to retrieve. This is after the last trip when he insisted John go find his original Social Security card and bring it back to llano (thank you Bob for mailing it to him several years ago "just in case" John ever needed it)! Unfortunately, Shorty forgot to tell us last time that (1) he doesn't like blue ballpoint ink and (2) he wants to see the title to the car.......We will go back tomorrow - Shorty only gives drivers licenses out on Thursdays or Fridays. I'll let you know how it turns out. I'm confident that Stange will win Shorty over soon and the two will be work-out buds at the Marble Falls Athletic Club soon.

The day got better when we went to our store. Rob (our GC who looks just like Sam Elliott) was there and demolition is complete! During the conversation, John used the phrase "soup to nuts" and Rob got a puzzled look on his face as he had never heard that phrase before. We moved on to the floor guy (otherwise known as Cory from Element 7 Stone Design) who then used the phrases "dumpster diving" and "soup to nuts" without a Texas twang. Turns out Cory is from Mankato, Minnesota. He is going to acid stain the concrete floor for us in the palette of our logo. He is also going to do our cashwrap countertop in stained cement. Then we walked over to see Marty, the glass guy. Marty brought his grandfather with him to Patina yesterday but Grandpa waited in the car, so we didn't get to meet him until today. Great hat.

This is too much fun to feel like work.


MommaRobbie said...

Good morning Marnie and John! I typed a great comment and then it disappeard when I had to sign up for a new Google account. 'No dust on you' is a good description of your Tow adventure, although it now sounds like you will have construction dust whisking around for a few weeks. Good job on the blog Marn, you are, as always, the early innovator in our family. And, I don't care what anyone says, you are VERY creative! (And, beautiful too!)
XXOO Monica

Crystal Thomas said...

Wow, you guys are inspirational! I feel honored to be a part of your story. Your description of unwrapping my mosaics brings tears to my eyes - it really validates my obsession to keep creating them. :-) I will keep up with your progress on the blog, and it sure would be fun to visit one day!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Marnie and John what a wonderful blog site. Crystal forwarded the link to me. I have admired her work on Etsy and have included her in several treasuries I have obtained. I wanted her to join our Etsy Mosaic Artists group when she could and then I see all her wonderful work is gone.

I am so pleased you found her. She is a great artist and a very nice person.

I wish you much sucess in your continued journey.

Kathleen (Artsyphartsy)